Eight Strategies for Effective Email
Communicating With Grace and Efficiency

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Don't send that email until you're sure it's perfect.
Email is one of the most important communication tools that we use. It's instant, effortless and ideal for reaching people scattered across the globe.
The problem is that we often don't use email as effectively as we could. We expect instant replies; we write long, rambling messages that confuse the reader; or we send a flurry of mail that recipients are never likely to read.
In this article, we'll discuss some strategies that will help you to use email more effectively.
The Importance of Using Email Effectively
Although email is extremely useful, it can eat up a lot of your time and energy if you don't use it effectively.
For example, how much time do you spend reading forwarded emails that have nothing to do with you or your work? Or how often have you had to search through your inbox for an email that required your immediate attention, which the sender hadn't flagged as "urgent"?
Below, we've outlined eight strategies that will help you use email more efficiently. (Our articles on managing email effectively and writing effective emails have additional tips for managing and writing your emails.)
1. Using Email Fields Correctly
When you choose your recipients, it's important to use "To," "cc," and "bcc" correctly.
Only use the "To" field for recipients who need to take action, or to include people who are directly affected by the email....
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