10 Common Email Mistakes
Using Email Effectively

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Don't add to email overload by sending unnecessary emails.
How many emails do you send and receive every day? Most of us would answer, "Too many!"
According to a study by McKinsey® & Company, people spend 28 percent of their working week reading and replying to emails. [1] However, despite the risk of becoming overloaded with messages, it remains one of the most powerful and efficient communication tools.
Using email is a quick and easy way to stay connected with your team members, customers and stakeholders, particularly those who are geographically dispersed. However, it can be very easy to send ineffective emails, create the wrong impression, or even damage your reputation with sloppy practices.
In this article, we look at 10 common mistakes that people make when they send emails, and explore how to avoid these.
For more email and communication techniques, see our articles on Using Email Effectively and Writing Effective Email.
Mistake 1: Using the Wrong Tone
You might be tempted to send emails quickly when you're in a rush, without thinking carefully about your audience, what you're saying, or how your message might come across. So, it's important to consider who you're addressing and what action you want them to take before you start writing....
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