10 Ways to Become a Star Team Player Video

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Gain a reputation as an exceptional team member.

Being a great team player can open up new and exciting career opportunities, and it can boost your team's morale, creativity and productivity.

So here are 10 ways you can become a star team player!

  1. Set a good example. Try to give your all every day. Set good standards and your peers will follow your lead!
  2. Use your strengths for the greater good. Share your gifts and talents with the team to help it achieve its goals. And keep developing your skills to help build a stronger team.
  3. Spread positive energy! Moods are contagious. Boost your team's morale by bringing a "can do" attitude to work.
  4. Put the team first. Share a celebrate each other's successes, and give credit where credit's due. After all, there's no "I" in "team"!
  5. Build relationships. Connect with, care for and communicate with your colleagues to form long-lasting bonds with them. Even simple things like going out for lunch together can help build meaningful relationships.
  6. Build a culture of trust. Effective teams can't function without trust. Have faith in your team, and earn their trust by showing integrity and openness. 
  7. Encourage accountability. Sometimes, people make mistakes. Encourage your teammates to be open and accountable about the mistakes they make – and to learn from them!
  8. Stay humble. Team players keep their egos in check. So, be open to alternative ideas, and look for ways to keep growing your skillset.
  9. Be a good listener. Good listeners are hard to come by. But they're usually highly aware, informed and knowledgeable. 
  10. Accept criticism. Feedback can help you to improve, learn and grow, so be open to it. And be direct and respectful when giving feedback to others.

If you want to learn more about how you can become an exceptional team player, read the article here.

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