5 Phrases That Kill Collaboration Video

Video Transcript

Keep collaboration alive by avoiding these five phrases.

Collaboration's great, right?

Everyone working together, sharing ideas, helping the team. But, sometimes, people don't want to get involved – and some will do and say things that stop collaboration dead in its tracks.

So, if you're struggling to create a positive culture of collaboration, here are five negative responses to listen out for and what you can do to overcome them.

These are the five phrases that kill collaboration.

"That's not my job."

This one's so frustrating to hear when all you want is for everyone to pitch in. But have you stopped to consider why your colleague might feel like that?

Perhaps they're overworked, or don't understand the purpose and potential of collaboration. Explain to them why collaboration is important, so they understand how it benefits both them and the team.

"No, I can't help you."

You need people to help their teammates and to share their knowledge and skills, particularly if someone is up against a deadline or carrying a heavy workload.

Overcome this one by making collaboration as easy as possible. For example, encourage people to write down what they know, or use online collaboration tools (like SharePoint or Miro) so people can share knowledge, ask questions, and seek advice.

"That's MY job, not yours."

Some people are highly protective of their role and responsibilities, but this can create silos and prevent collaboration.

Encourage people to showcase their work and what they've been doing. Think about what training you could offer to ensure everyone is up to speed. This will ensure that knowledge isn't hoarded, but shared.

"We MUST do it my way."

Sometimes people have very fixed ideas about how something should be done. Show them it's OK to discuss different ideas and explore new options, and that this allows everyone to demonstrate their strengths and even make some mistakes on the way to finding the best answers together.

"I don't want to change."

Collaboration's about having some of your views challenged, learning from others, and doing things in new ways. But it's natural to feel nervous.

So, encourage people to explore the world outside of their comfort zone and do everything you can to make collaboration safe, supportive, and fun.

Let's recap.

Teams live or die by how well they work together. And there are times when your people will be called on to do a little more to support their colleagues and share their ideas.

While this can be unwelcome to some people, helping them to understand the benefits of collaboration, making it fun, and encouraging people to share their knowledge will ensure that you create a strong and positive culture of collaboration.