Learning Styles

Video Transcript

Learning Styles can be helpful, but you also need to understand their limitations.

Welcome to Mind Tools' video learning series.

Learning Styles first became popular in the 1970s. They were an attempt to define how each of us learns best.

Many different models of Learning Styles were developed, but most have now been called into question. The main criticisms are that they're unscientific, inflexible, or ineffective. 

But, they can still help us to understand how we might learn best – even if no single solution applies to every situation.

Understanding the way you learn allows you to make the most of your strengths, work on your weaknesses, and create the best conditions for learning. It can also help you to communicate with greater impact, and support other people's learning more effectively.

To find out more about the different learning styles you can use, watch the full video by joining the Mind Tools Club today.

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Comments (3)
  • Over a month ago Dianna wrote
    From what I know of learning style, individual preference is probably more influential than age. However I did a quick google search and learning styles do change as we grow and develop. Babies will have more similar learning styles than children or teens. And we even as adults our learning style can still change but that change is very slow and probably has more to do with the situation than our personal preference. It's quite a fascinating topic. I think it really helps to know your own learning style preference and those of the people around you. It makes for much smoother and effective teaching moments that tend to crop up during everyday life at work and at home.

  • Over a month ago athletebydesign wrote
    Does this also apply to children and teenagers as well? Do different age groups go through different styles of learning?
  • Over a month ago Midgie wrote
    This is yet again another great tool! In addition to learning how you learn, it can be used when developing presentations to ensure you are able to capture all the different learning styles of the audience.

    I'm just in the process of putting together a motivational talk and I'll be using this tool as a guide to 'tick off the boxes' of different learning styles! I know it will certainly add some extra 'oomph' to my presentation! Even as an experienced presenter, I think its a good idea to review and reflect on what I'm doing and how I'm doing it so that I do not fall into the habit of only using a limited number of learning styles!
