Finding Career Direction Video

Video Transcript

Learn how to gain a clear sense of the direction your career should be going in.

When was the last time that you really examined your career? Are you happy with what you're doing, or do you feel that another career path might suit you better?

All of us have unique skills and strengths. And when we use them regularly at work, our happiness and productivity soars. But how do you find a career that matches these talents, so that you can enjoy the personal and professional satisfaction you deserve?

This process often takes a great deal of thought, but it can ultimately lead to rewarding and exciting work. 

You need to ask yourself three questions to find the right career. The first is, "Who am I?" We know this is an incredibly broad and complex question, but it's important to identify your talents and strengths. Which of your skills do people respect most? And which talents have led to your greatest achievements? You may also want to complete a personality test such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, or a strengths-finder evaluation. These can help you identify traits or strengths that you might otherwise overlook. From this, write down your top three talents.

Next, use your findings to create a “Who I Am” statement that lists your key strengths, and the activities you most enjoy.

The next question you need to ask yourself is, "What do I want to do?" Look at your “Who I Am” statement. What kind of jobs would best suit your talents and strengths? Which of these also match your values?

Then look at the career you're in. How can you adapt your role to fit your talents better? Are there any openings in your organization that would allow you to use your strengths more? Using a tool such as Schein's Career Anchors can help you understand what you enjoy most about your current role.

Finally, ask yourself, "How do I make the move?" Start by writing out the steps you must take to get into this new field. Will you need different qualifications? Can you job shadow or volunteer in another department to get some valuable experience? Set short-term goals to keep yourself on track. Then start working toward achieving them.

You can learn much more about finding career direction in the article that accompanies this video.

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Comments (6)
  • Over a month ago BillT wrote
    Hi Dongho(Dan),

    Thank you for the positive feedback.

    Mind Tools Team
  • Over a month ago Dongho(Dan) wrote
    Such a good tip!!! Let me start small one to get easy success!
  • Over a month ago Dianna wrote
    Hi Nitin,
    Finding your true career direction is not always easy. A few people seem to know from a very early age what they were 'destined' to do, however I think most of us aren't blessed with that kind of clarity.

    And to complicate things, our interests and passions change as we gain life experience. So I always like to keep checking in with this tool and make sure I am on the right path and continue to be working in the right direction for myself.

    Glad you are enjoying the tool!

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