7 Ways to Deal With Irritating People in the Workplace Video

Video Transcript

Use these seven strategies to tackle irritating behavior without harming your relationships.

What do you do when a coworker's behavior is driving you to distraction? Sometimes little things get on our nerves, especially when the person keeps doing them. Here are seven tips for dealing with irritating behavior, without harming your relationships.

  1. Avoid gossip. Not only is it unkind; it can also backfire and damage your reputation. And it's a slippery slope from gossip to more serious issues, like workplace bullying.
  2. Assess the impact of the behavior. How are your colleague's actions affecting you? Are they small things you can tolerate? Or are they serious enough that you need to talk to someone?
  3. Be tactful! If you talk to your colleague about their behavior, choose your words carefully. Assert how you feel without making things personal.
  4. Consider any underlying causes. There may be reasons for your colleague's behavior, such as cultural differences or neurodivergence. Understanding and empathy may help to improve your relationship.
  5. Be open and honest. If you tell your coworker how you feel, be respectful. Listen to their reply with empathy and without judgment. 
  6. Seek support. If behavior shifts from annoying to something more serious, like bullying or harassment, get help! Report it to your manager or HR.
  7. Develop coping mechanisms. Sometimes small workplace adjustments can help, like wearing headphones. Or use relaxation techniques to stay calm, like deep breathing and mindfulness.

For more information on how to work with irritating people, read the article here.

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