Making the Most of Your Induction Video

Video Transcript

Get off to a flying start in your new job!

So you're starting a new job! Whatever form your induction takes, there are five things you can do to get off to a flying start.

Be proactive. Do some reading about the company before you start. If you've received an induction pack, make sure you read over the information you've been sent so that you understand what's expected of you.

Once you're in, keep it up. If you find yourself with some spare capacity for work, ask what else you can do. Offer to help others. If you need to learn a new skill, is there a way to do it yourself? Are there internal resources, manufacturer training videos, or even YouTube tutorials you can use? If not, ask someone to show you.

In general it's always good to communicate. Ask questions. There's no better time than when you're new.

To make the most of your induction, watch the rest of the video by joining the Mind Tools Club today.

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