The PVI Model
Standing Out From the Crowd

© Veer
Get noticed for the right reasons.
Imagine that both you and your colleague have similar roles. You both work equally hard, and you're both experts in your field. Your colleague consistently gets recognized for her achievements, with raises, praise, and interesting projects.
You, meanwhile, don't get any recognition at all, even though your work is just as good as hers. As a result, you're frustrated, and you're starting to doubt your abilities.
It's dispiriting when one person gets recognition for hard work, while other colleagues, who perform to the same standard, go unnoticed. If it's happened to you, then you'll know just how frustrating this can be!
However, by addressing three essential areas, you can dramatically increase your chances of receiving a fair share of the limelight – and of the rewards that go along with this. You'll gain respect, get noticed, and be in demand.
The PVI Model helps you address these three areas, so that you can stand out in your organization. We'll look at the model in this article.
Understanding the Model
The PVI Model was created by Joel Garfinkle, an author, public speaker, and executive coach who's been recognized as one of the Top 50 coaches in the United States. The model is based on Garfinkle's 20 years' experience coaching some of the world's most influential executives, and he published it in his 2011 book, "Getting Ahead."
According to Garfinkle, being excellent at what you do doesn't guarantee success. You also need to address three key things:...
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