Working From Home Video

Video Transcript

Cutting yourself off from domestic distractions can help to improve your productivity.

Working from home might seem ideal, but it can have its downsides, too…

Benefits Challenges
A flexible schedule. Home-life distractions.
A better work-life balance. Managing your time effectively.
Saving time and money on your commute. Feeling isolated.

Here are three ways to become a successful home worker!

  1. Deal with distractions. It's important to maintain focus. Are you being distracted by the television, household chores, or by your family? Create a dedicated office space, with a good chair, a large desk, and a door you can close to avoid distractions.
  2. Stay organized. Devote time and effort to organization.

  3. Keep in touch. Working remotely can leave you feeling isolated. Use instant messaging platforms to check in with your colleagues, stop by the office regularly, and attend social events to stay connected.

Read the article that accompanies this video to discover more strategies for effective home working.

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