5 Ways to Add Value to Meetings Video

Video Transcript

Use these tips to make your meetings engaging, effective and enjoyable.

For many of us, meetings are an essential part of our work. But they're not always productive.

Here are five ways to get the most out of meetings, whether you're in the room or working remotely:

1. Be selective.

You don't have to go to every meeting. Before the meeting, ask the facilitator if you're needed. Perhaps you can just attend the part of the meeting that's relevant to you.

2. Consider alternative locations.

A change of scene can spark your creative energy! So try out a different location, or even a walking meeting. If you're remote, try sitting somewhere else. Or see if you can meet up in person from time to time.

3. Prepare!

Before the meeting starts, do some research. Are there any important insights you could add? Or questions you'll need to raise? Think about what will be expected from you.

4. Identify your role.

Why are you invited to the meeting? Are you there to support, critique, propose, or present?

5. Help others to be heard.

Productive meetings are about sharing different perspectives. If you see a colleague struggling to be involved, try to include them. Ask them a question or try to build on something they've said.

For more tips, see our article, 8 Ways to Add Value to Meetings.

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