The 7 Transformations of Leadership Video

Video Transcript

Become the best leader you can be!

There are seven stages that the most successful leaders go through. By learning new skills, you can move from one stage to the next. Let's take a look at the seven transformations leaders experience.

1. Opportunist. Opportunists put personal success over that of their team – which can damage their reputation and relationships. If you're an opportunist, do something to help another person out. Even small acts of kindness can boost your reputation.

2. Diplomat. Diplomats try to please others. They resolve conflict well, and hold teams together. But they aren't good at implementing change. If you're a diplomat, work on your assertiveness, and communicate your thoughts and feelings clearly and honestly.

3. Expert. Most leaders are experts. They are logical, factual and efficient. But they can also dismiss the opinions of others who aren't as knowledgeable. If you're an expert, don't assume you know it all. Consider other people's ideas and opinions, too.

4. Achiever. Achievers are goal oriented and understand people well. But they often don't think innovatively. Achievers can become even better leaders by using creative problem-solving techniques like brainstorming to design unique solutions.

5. Individualist. Individualists understand that people behave differently, and adapt their approach accordingly. But they often ignore established procedures, which can result in friction. If you're an individualist, learn how to work collaboratively with people to achieve your goals – and theirs.

6. Strategist. Strategists build a shared vision, and bring people together to achieve important goals. They make great leaders, but they can often benefit from collaborating more. As a strategist, develop a network of allies who challenge how you think.

7. Alchemist. Alchemists excel at meeting short- and long-term goals, and have great rapport with their people. They are masters of the art of "getting things done" and managing their team. But they still need to work on maintaining good relationships with everyone in their organization. This shows that they care and helps to develop loyalty.

Learn more about the 7 Transformations of Leadership with our article.

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