Presenteeism Video

Video Transcript

Presenteeism can be incredibly harmful to employees and the organizations they work for.

Have you ever gone into work, when you really shouldn't have?

Perhaps you were ill or going through a particularly stressful or difficult time.

But, you decided to drag yourself into work, even though you would rather have taken the day off, because you were worried that – if you didn't show up – you'd be damaging your credibility. or even your career prospects.

This is what's known as presenteeism. It's when you feel pressured to turn up to work, even when you're ill.

It can be fueled by many different things. Maybe you're really conscientious about your work and find it hard to switch off.

Or, you feel guilty about taking time off, and worry that your colleagues or boss will think you're lazy or just don't care!

Perhaps, your workplace frowns on people taking any time off and demands that you turn up, even when you're sick.

The problem is presenteeism can be incredibly harmful to employees and the organizations they work for.

It can make people feel stressed, anxious and even resentful toward their employer, particularly if they feel like they are being forced to work unduly.

To learn more about presenteeism and how to prevent it, watch the full video by joining the Mind Tools Club today.

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