6 Ways to Minimize Distractions Video

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Putting away your smartphone is just one way you can avoid distractions in the workplace.

Distractions are everywhere. Whether it's your phone, social media, the news, or even other people. But when we lose focus, it can be hard to pick up where we left off. It can make us feel stressed and reduce our productivity. So, here are six tips to help you minimize distractions…

  1. Stop scrolling. Our brains are wired to seek new stimuli, which is why endlessly scrolling on your phone can be so addictive. Put your phone away or turn it off for a couple of hours, log out of social media, and leave surfing the web for lunch or after work.
  2. Manage your messages. Many of the emails and messages we receive aren't urgent, yet we still feel the need to look at them straightaway. Set aside some specific time each day for dealing with emails and messages. Consider turning off notifications, or changing your status to "busy" when you really need to focus.
  3. Create the right work environment. It can be easy to lose focus when you work in a busy, open-plan office. Rather than trying to ignore the sights, smells and sounds, get some space. Set yourself up in an empty office, wear noise-canceling headphones, or consider introducing a "do not disturb" hour each day.
  4. Organize your workload. Keep track of what you need to do by creating a prioritized to-do list. Commit to starting one or two important tasks a day. And savor that feeling of accomplishment when you finally get to tick them off.
  5. Fly solo for the day. Other people can be a big source of distraction, and one that's not easily avoided. So, if you really need to focus, consider working from home. Or, blocking out time in your calendar, so you aren't interrupted by meetings.
  6. Keep your mind and body focused. Juggling all our daily priorities can take a toll on our mental and physical health. Take care of yourself by getting a good night’s sleep, staying hydrated, eating healthily, and getting some outdoor time to help you stay refreshed and energized.

If you want to learn more about minimizing distractions, read our article here.

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