How to Manage in a VUCA World Video

Video Transcript

Managing in a VUCA world involves expecting the unexpected.

These days, change is constant and we've come to expect the unexpected.

We're living in a "VUCA" world – it's Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous.

VUCA situations can disrupt teams and overwhelm organizations. But there are ways you can mitigate the impact...

Counter volatility with vision. When faced with fluctuating trends in business, your team needs a clear, shared vision of the future. Set flexible goals with your team members so that they can course correct when unexpected change strikes.

Meet uncertainty with understanding. You can't always predict what's around the corner, but you can do your best to stay up to date with industry news, and engage with your stakeholders to understand what they want.

React to complexity with clarity. Don't try to manage a VUCA situation by yourself. Instead, communicate clearly with your team, so that you can untangle complex, tricky problems together.

Fight ambiguity with agility. Encourage your people to try new things and learn new skills. An adaptable team is a resilient team!

By making vision, understanding, clarity, and agility your guiding principles, you can steer your team through the challenges of a VUCA world.

If you want to learn more about managing in a VUCA world, see the article that accompanies this video.

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