10 Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness Video

Video Transcript

Make someone's day by performing a random act of kindness.

Being kind at work makes us feel good too. It helps us to build great relationships and creates a friendly atmosphere.

Here are 10 ways you can perform a "random act of kindness":

  1. Send someone a "thank you" note.
  2. Have lunch with a new team member.
  3. Bring in cakes for your team.
  4. Give a colleague a ride home.
  5. Give your people an impromptu afternoon off.
  6. Compliment someone to their boss.
  7. Help a colleague with a project they're struggling with.
  8. Volunteer as a first aider.
  9. Ask after a colleague's friends and family, and listen to their answer.
  10. Remember to smile at the people around you!

If you want to learn more about the benefits of random acts of kindness, read the article here

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Comments (3)
  • Over a month ago Midgie wrote
    Hi Allen,
    Thanks for sharing those thoughts. Love them!

    Mind Tools Team
  • Over a month ago Allen wrote
    The first sign of maturity is realising your purpose in life is to serve others and not yourself.
    The second sign of maturity is to enrich the lives of people around you with generosity of spirit.
  • Over a month ago 123test123 wrote
    This is a great video!