How to Be More Organized Video

Video Transcript

Use these strategies to replace the mayhem and chaos in your life with a sense of calm.

Imagine that you wake up with a fright as you realize you forgot to set an alarm.

Eventually you get to work and find a mountain of emails that you didn't tackle last week. But wait, you forgot about your nine o'clock meeting!

Sound familiar?

It's easy to let small, everyday tasks like these get out of hand. But if they do, your productivity, wellbeing and reputation could all be at risk!

Use these four strategies to take back control and become a calmer, more organized person.

1. Organize Your Workspace

Is your messy desk getting in the way of your productivity? Clear unwanted clutter from your workspace to restore a sense of calm.

2. Organize Your Time

Now that your surroundings are tidy, it's time to tackle your timekeeping. Start your day with a To-Do list or action plan. Set realistic deadlines and don't be afraid to say "no" to extra tasks that you don't have time for.

3. Embrace Technology

Whether you use simple spreadsheet color coding to track your progress, or more sophisticated task management apps, take advantage of the digital organizational features available to you.

4. Be Traditional

"Old school" organization tools like paper notebooks are popular for a good reason: they help to manage your mental clutter and offer a much-needed break from your screen.

There's no "one-size-fits-all" solution to getting organized. Try out different techniques to find the ones that work best for you.

And once you have regained control of your day-to-day life, try to keep it that way by turning those organizational strategies into lasting habits.

To learn more about how to become more organized, see the article that accompanies this video.

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