How to Spot Fake News

Video Transcript

Don't be fooled by fake news!

You probably hear the term "fake news" a lot.

Fake news refers to stories that either simply aren't true or are only partially true.

Labelling something as fake news is also a powerful weapon used to discredit other people's views.

In the workplace, fake news can cause conflict and have a negative impact on trust and morale. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to separate fact from fiction.

Here are five ways to identify fake news:

  1. Develop a critical mindset. Before you click or share, ask yourself, "Why has this story been written?" Fake news is often designed to elicit an emotional response such as shock or anger. So, try to keep your emotions in check.
  2. Check the source. If something's suspicious, do some digging! Spelling mistakes or unusual URLs often signal that something isn't right. Impartial fact-checking websites are a good place to go if you're still unsure.
  3. See who else is reporting the story. Can you find the same information from other sources? If not, that's a good indication that it may not be real.
  4. Don't take image at face value. You might be surprised how easy it is to doctor an image. Use tools such as Google Reverse Image Search to check if an image has been altered.
  5. Check that it "sounds right." Finally, use your common sense! Fake news is designed to "feed" your hopes, fears, and biases. Don't let it get the better of you.

To learn more about how to spot real and fake news, read the article that accompanies this video.

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Comments (2)
  • Over a month ago Sarah_H wrote
    Hi omar_200919273

    Hopefully the tips in our article/video helped you decide if it was fake news or not?

    Mind Tools Coach
  • Over a month ago omar_200919273 wrote
    I saw a video but I’m not sure if it’s real or not