6 Ways to Energize Your Workspace Video

Video Transcript

Creating a more energized workplace can help to inspire and invigorate your people.

When your workspace is inviting, energizing and fun, it can boost motivation, and creativity.

Here are six ways you can create an energizing your workspace:

  1. Lead by example. A leader's energy directly influences those around them. So set the right tone by bringing a positive, "can do" attitude to work.
  2. Encourage team bonding. When you have a team that genuinely gets along with one another, work is easy. So, give praise regularly, listen to your coworkers and encourage others to do the same.
  3. Think about the decor. Bright colors like oranges, reds and yellows promote energy and focus. Natural light and plants can also help brighten up workspaces, prevent fatigue and even reduce stress.
  4. Consider office layout. Although open plan offices promote face-to-face communication, they can also be noisy and distracting. Consider using partitions for privacy, but create inviting breakout spaces that promote collaboration and brainstorming.
  5. Encourage a positive culture. Your culture has a direct impact on how your workspace feels. Create a positive,  uplifting and energizing culture that your people want to be a part of.
  6. Use music. Music can be powerful. It can inspire, improve concentration, and reduce stress. So get that "feel-good factor by allowing your people to tap into their favorite tunes.

If you want to learn more about how you can create an energized workspace, read our article here.

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Comments (2)
  • Over a month ago Midgie wrote
    Hi Connisn,
    Welcome to the Club and thank you for your feedback about having subtitles for our videos in other languages. I will pass on your feedback for consideration.

    We are here to help you get the most from your membership so let us know if you have any questions. We would love to meet you so come on over to the Forums and introduce yourself.

    Mind Tools Team
  • Over a month ago Connisn wrote
    Sería bueno los videos estuvieran subtitulados a diferentes idiomas. pierde uno mucha información si no sabes inglés que en este caso es el idioma universal.