How to Avoid Decision-Making Pitfalls Video

Video Transcript

Don't fall into these common decision-making pitfalls!

Making decisions can be a tricky business.

Whether you're looking for guidance or have a track record in good choices, some stumbling blocks can trip us all up.

Here's our top five to watch out for – and tips for decision-making success.

One: you jump right in. With deadlines looming and stakeholders getting twitchy, we sometimes make hasty decisions. But act too soon, and you could overlook that key piece of info that builds a true picture of the problem.

Instead, carefully consider the situation by evaluating relevant facts and figures. Do that, and you'll be better placed to spot challenges, opportunities and the right way forward.

To discover the other pitfalls and how to avoid them, watch the full video by joining the Mind Tools Club today.

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