Overcoming a Lack of Qualifications
Gaining the Skills You Need

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Don't let a lack of qualifications stop you standing out.
Imagine this scenario: you're doing a great job in your current role, but you've recently become interested in a completely different line of work. This is something you feel passionate about, and it could advance your career to exciting new levels.
The only problem is that this new type of work requires qualifications or experience that you currently don't have. Sure, you've got some useful skills, and you're so inspired by the new role that you know you would quickly gain the necessary knowledge. But you fear you may not get the opportunity.
So you ask yourself: do you really have the time or desire to quit your current job to pursue that advanced degree you need? Can you afford to spend the money or vacation time on executive-level coaching courses? While gaining formal qualifications is the best way of advancing your career, for many people, it's not always realistic or practical to obtain those qualifications.
So, what are some alternative ways of learning the skills you need, without spending too much time and money?
The good news is that there are several ways to overcome your lack of qualifications. In this article, we offer strategies for gaining the skills necessary to help you secure the job of your dreams....
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