Learning Personal Leadership

© Veer
Serg Zastavkin
Learn the art of self mastery.
"Courage, hard work, self-mastery, and intelligent effort are all essential to successful life." – Theodore Roosevelt, former US president.
What do you think when you hear the term "self-mastery"? You might picture someone like a martial arts master – calm, focused, and in control at all times. Or, maybe you imagine people who have their lives planned, and are in control of their own future.
Do you show these traits on a regular basis? Do you feel in control of your career and your goals? Or, like many people, do you feel that you should take more control of your actions and emotions?
In this article, we'll examine what self-mastery is – and we'll look at what you can do to develop it within yourself.
What Is Self-Mastery?
When you have developed self-mastery, you have the ability to control yourself in all situations, and you move forward consciously and steadily towards your goals. You know your purpose, and you have the self-discipline needed to do things in a deliberate, focused, and honorable way.
Self-mastery also means mastering your emotions, impulses, and actions, and is vital if you want to achieve your goals in life.
Think about people you know who don't have any self-mastery. They're probably impulsive and rash. They might let their emotions control them, yelling at colleagues when they're angry, and then being overly polite to make up for this later. They're unpredictable and, as a result, people see them as untrustworthy.
When you demonstrate self-mastery at work, you prove to your colleagues that you have the inner strength and steadiness needed for effective leadership. So it's well worth the effort to invest time developing self-mastery. You'll likely become a happier, more balanced person – and you'll find that opportunities arise because of this.
Developing Self-Mastery
Self-mastery is a broad term that covers many aspects of your personal and professional life. Developing self-mastery can mean working on many of these areas. (If so, it may be best to focus on one or two areas at a time, so you don't become overwhelmed.)
Look at the following areas of your life to develop self-mastery...
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