The Four-Step Innovation Process
Generating Innovative Solutions to Complex Problems

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Four steps to innovation.
Imagine that you need to solve a complex problem. You ask everyone on your team to come up with solutions, and they provide a number of ideas. The problem is that the solutions don't have the impact you'd hoped for – they're wild ideas or quick, obvious fixes, and they won't add much value to what you do.
To solve problems effectively, it's essential that you and your team think in a creative and innovative way. You also need to ensure that your solutions address defined business needs, otherwise your ideas won't add much value.
Weiss and Legrand's Four-Step Innovation Process helps you come up with innovative and creative solutions to complex problems, which are securely grounded in a thorough understanding of the business context.
In this article, we'll look at the benefits of using this process, and we'll discuss how you can apply it to find innovative solutions to the problems you face.
What Are the Four Steps to Problem Solving Innovation?
David Weiss and Claude Legrand developed the Four-Step Innovation Process, and published it in their 2011 book, "Innovative Intelligence: The Art and Practice of Leading Sustainable Innovation in Your Organization."
The four steps are:...
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