How to Get the Best From an Extra Miler
Identifying and Enabling People Who Go Above and Beyond

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Let that extra miler in your team run free.
You've probably heard that one "bad apple" can spoil the team. But did you also know that just one carefully placed "extra miler" – someone who consistently does more than is asked of them – can have a positive influence on team members?
Researchers led by Ning Li, from the University of Iowa's Department of Management and Organizations, discovered that the presence of one person who regularly goes that extra mile can play a vital role in helping the team to achieve its goals.
In this article, we'll look at how you can quickly and easily identify your extra miler, protect them from burnout, and position them so that their positive work ethic influences as many people as possible.
Extra milers are a great asset to your team. But don't let them overdo it!
What Is an Extra Miler?
Li's research identified two types of extra miler: ones that use "helping" (promoting team cooperation and harmonious relationships by taking on work that is outside their core roles) and ones that use "voice" (challenging the team's culture, values and practices, to try to improve existing practices and promote creativity).
The extra miler usually does both of these things. However, two separate individuals may perform these roles.
Li's team was inspired, in part, by a previous study that found that the top five percent of employees produce 26 percent of a company's output. This, in turn, was linked to an idea known as minority influence, which happens when a majority is persuaded to accept the beliefs or behavior of a minority. And the result is a real shift in opinion, rather than just superficial compliance.
However, for this to work, you must first identify the extra miler on your team, and then give them a central position in its workflow.
You'll likely know lots of people who sometimes go out of their way to help others. There are also people who work extremely hard within their role and strive for excellence. And there are people who very occasionally complete a large amount of extra work for the good of the team.
However, the research that this article is based on only deals with team members who consistently go above and beyond what is expected of them, spontaneously offer help, and demonstrate the benefits of good teamwork.
How to Identify an Extra Miler
Think about which members of your team regularly do more than is expected of them. Is there someone who welcomes co-workers' requests for advice? Or maybe a team member has made a series of helpful and creative suggestions over the last few months? Or has one of your people jumped in and helped with a project that was falling behind schedule?
If there is a person like this in your team, they'll likely be an extra miler, and their talents and enthusiasm need to be nurtured.
If an extra miler isn't immediately obvious, you could ask your team members open questions about how much help they receive from one another. Make sure that you listen carefully, and follow up what you hear with your own observations.
How to Enable an Extra Miler
Li's research shows that if the extra miler works with colleagues in only a limited way (either because they're physically separated or they're not included in projects or assignments), it becomes difficult for them to impact the team's performance. This can affect the team's ability to reach its full potential.
However, if completing tasks is a team effort, the extra miler's spontaneous offers of help and advice will likely improve your team's output.
Here are four tips for enabling an extra miler:
- Give your extra miler a central position in your working environment, and remove any physical barriers to collaboration, such as partitions.
- If possible, subdivide a task so that part of it must pass through your extra miler's hands. This allows them to check its progress and to give advice to the person responsible for the next stage.
- Introduce more team collaboration and monitoring. This will make it easier for your extra miler to offer help spontaneously.
- Encourage your team to suggest alternatives to existing processes. If you have time, provide an occasional forum for giving mutual, constructive feedback and praise those who offer it.
Insecure managers may be threatened by an extra miler's expertise, drive and tendency to challenge the status quo. Their natural reaction may be to "sideline" that person. If you find yourself resisting the extra miler's help or suggestions, read our article on managerial self-sabotage to ensure that you're not inadvertently limiting your team's potential.
Showing favoritism to your extra miler could make other team members resentful. Avoid this by making sure that everyone has equal access to you, and that you encourage everyone to voice their opinions.
It's right that people who make a major contribution are rewarded for their efforts, but this must be done in a way that is clearly fair, and doesn't put them in a difficult position.
How to Avoid Collaborative Overload
If the extra miler becomes known as a person who has useful knowledge and is willing to help others, there's a significant danger that they'll become victims of "collaborative overload," and may come to dislike their job because of all the demands on their time.
This phenomenon has been identified by U.S. academics Rob Cross, Reb Rebele and Adam Grant. They found that the top talent in an average organization is overstretched by numerous, often unnecessary, demands on their time by colleagues in other departments.
As an extra miler's manager, it's important that you make it clear that requesting their collaboration must be done thoughtfully and considerately. Here are three tips for doing so:
- When an extra miler gives up their time, they have less time for their own work. So try to find ways for them to share their knowledge and skills while giving up as little time as possible. For example, they could record a quick tutorial video, or explain something to several colleagues at once rather than individually.
- Try to keep track of the time demands made on your extra miler by assigning one member of your team to act as a point of contact, responsible for receiving all requests. This will help you to monitor how many requests are being made, and filter out unnecessary ones.
- You may need to limit the demands made on an extra miler's time and experience. For example, request that a minimum of 80 percent of their time be spent on their own tasks and helping their team, leaving no more than 20 percent for collaboration, training or consulting with other teams.
Find out more about collaborative overload in our article, How to Avoid Generosity Burnout.
Key Points
An extra miler is a person who spontaneously offers assistance and advice to other members of their team, and who consistently and creatively looks for improvements and solutions. They can, therefore, be a tremendous asset to both the team and the organization as a whole.
The more contact they have with their colleagues, the more they can improve your team's collaborative culture and boost its performance. But this also exposes them to collaborative overload.
As their manager, it's important that you encourage and enable an extra miler while protecting them from distractions and exhaustion. Help them to ensure that demands on their time from elsewhere in the organization are necessary and manageable.
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Great that you do go that extra mile however sorry to hear that you ended up resigning after all that you did. I still think it is worth it to go that extra mile!
Mind Tools Team
It saddened me to read your post. The situation you describe is precisely how not to treat an extra miler. What happened to you also happened to me. As a result, I left a company I worked with for several years.
Mind Tools Team