Ben-Shahar's Happiness Model
Balancing the Benefits for Both Present and Future
(Also known as "The Hamburger Model")

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Find your own path to happiness.
Many people are raised with the belief that if you get good grades in school, get a degree from a good university, and then secure a good job, then you'll be happy. Sounds pretty familiar, right?
The problem is that, sometimes, this approach to life doesn't make people happy. Sure, they might have a wonderful family, a good job and a lovely home, but they are still dissatisfied with life and are searching for something else. No matter how hard they work, or how much money they earn, they still feel unfulfilled.
However, when we experience true happiness, our life takes on a joyful luster and vividness. We're fulfilled and productive in what we do, we accomplish our goals, and our lives have meaning and purpose.
So how can we find this type of happiness? According to Dr Tal Ben-Shahar, leading researcher and author of the book "Happier," we need to learn how to live for today and for tomorrow at the same time. Only when we find the right balance can we achieve our goals, and live the life we've always imagined.
In this article, we'll explore Tal Ben-Shahar's Happiness Model, and explain how you can use the model to bring more happiness to your own life. (We are grateful for his personal permission to do so.)
The Model Explained
According to Ben-Shahar's model, there are four archetypes that people can exhibit in the way they live. These are:...
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